Our Women of longevity experts
Patricia Kramer ist Head of Beauty bei RTL, Beauty-Expertin bei GALA TV, Leiterin des Visagisten-Teams bei RTL und Dozentin an der Famous Face Academy, wo sie ihr Wissen über Make-up, Beauty-Trends und innovative Schönheitsbehandlungen weitergibt. Sie arbeitet eng mit führenden Kosmetikmarken und Schönheitschirurgen zusammen und bietet regelmäßig exklusive Masterclasses, unter anderem in Kooperation mit Sisley Paris, an.
Jessica Adams is a trained sex counsellor with additional training at the Betty Dodson Practice for Women (Bodysex) and specializes in the connection between longevity and intimacy. She supports women in experiencing a more conscious and fulfilling sexuality, which not only has a positive impact on personal well-being, but also on overall health. As a wife and mother of three, she commutes between the Bregenzerwald mountains in Austria and the South African oceans.
Birgit Köpf is a bikini fitness athlete, biohacker and epigenetics coach with a focus on healthy ageing, nutrition and exercise. She began her stage career at the age of 40 and won the Bavarian championship title in the bikini class in 2024. Despite her full-time job, part-time jobs and further training, she has developed methods that allow you to achieve 80% of your potential with just 20% effort. In her coaching sessions, she teaches effective strategies for optimizing health, fitness and performance.
Simone Kumhofer, BA, BSc, MSc, is considered THE leading expert in the field of the microbiome. Her extensive expertise and passion for this fascinating topic are second to none. In her lecture, Simone sheds light on the profound connections of the gut-brain axis and shows how our gut influences key physiological functions and health conditions. She explains how
the gut influences not only the immune system - of which around 80% originates in the gut - but also many chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative effects.
Michaela Altenberger is the head of the “Regeneration & Longevity by Krallerhof” program at the Krallerhof. She has been running this innovative program, which focuses on holistic regeneration and longevity, since 2023.
As a long-time biohacking enthusiast, she brings her passion for health and well-being to her work. She hosts the podcast “Longevity by Krallerhof”, where she talks to leading experts about topics such as healthy routines and living a fulfilling life.
Under her leadership, the Krallerhof offers innovative therapies such as whole-body cryotherapy, IHHT altitude training and red light therapy, which aim to improve guests' quality of life and increase their vitality.
Michaela Altenberger emphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle and preventative measures to maintain long-term health. She shares her knowledge and experience to help people increase their vitality and zest for life.