Regeneration & Longevity
by Krallerhof

Refugium Refugium

More than just

With this motto, we present our new "Regeneration & Longevity by Krallerhof" program. Inspired by the world of high-performance sport and enriched by innovations in biohacking, our guests experience a new kind of holistic regeneration with a focus on prevention. Because prevention is easier than cure.

Choose your Longevity Treatment or visit one of our retreats and discover the key to your longevity.

Zimmer & Suiten

Increase life energy through:


Cryotherapy is an effective stimulus for cells and the immune system. It boosts blood circulation, which supports pain relief, fat reduction, stimulation of cell metabolism and is particularly beneficial for people with rheumatism, arthrosis, skin problems or those who want to improve the appearance of their skin.

Max Gotzler (Biohacker & Krallerhof expert): "the 3 most valuable effects of cryotherapy are: Increasing mental clarity and well-being, improving physical health and performance, developing resilience and stress management."


Price per session (25 minutes): € 45,-

Price for 5 sessions: € 180,-

Price for 10 sessions: € 350,-

Bookings via or +43 6583 8246 590


Benefits of the treatment:

  • Reduction of pain and swelling & improvement of joint mobility.
  • Strengthening the immune system & increasing the number of white blood cells with repeated use.
  • Increasing the activity of anti-ageing enzymes such as sirtuins, which slow down the ageing process.

A healthy cell metabolism is crucial to staying vital throughout life. Interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (IHHT) promotes cell renewal and therefore supports recovery, revitalisation and improved physical performance by strengthening health at cellular level.


Price per session (45 minutes): € 75,-

Price for 5 sessions: € 300,-

Price for 10 sessions incl. altitude test: € 562,- 

Bookings via or +43 6583 8246 590


Benefits of the treatment:

  • Increase your physical performance & improve oxygen uptake
  • Improved sleep quality & alleviation of sleep disorders
  • Support for tissue & cell regeneration

The effects of red light therapy are impressive and varied: it specifically supports cell health, combats inflammation, relieves pain, strengthens the immune system, produces collagen, improves sleep and increases mental performance.

Andreas Breitfeld (Biohacker & Krallerhof expert): "With just one photobiomodulation session or red light therapy, we experience feelings of happiness and the production of various hormones such as dopamine and serotonin is stimulated. In addition, there is a noticeable production of energy in the cells (ATP) and collagen storage in the skin is improved, which helps wounds heal faster. Most of the effects are immediately noticeable."


Price per session (25 minutes): € 45,-

Price for 5 sessions: € 180,-

Price for 10 sessions: € 350,- 

Bookings via or +43 6583 8246 590


Benefits of the treatment:

  • Relief of various joint & muscle complaints.
  • Improvement of sleep quality & brightening of the state of mind
  • Faster regeneration after sport & repair of micro-injuries  
IHHT-altitude training
Red light therapy
Red light therapy

As a long-time hobby biohacker, it was a pleasure to develop the programme for you and bring together the elite in the field of biohacking, mental coaching and stress management.

Michaela Altenberger Head of ‘Regeneration & Longevity by Krallerhof’

Do you have any questions about the "Regeneration & Longevity by Krallerhof" program or one of our main topics? Michaela Altenberger looks forward to hearing from you at

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